VIP Card Program

Show Customer Appreciation, Enhance Your Business Brand

Help your customers achieve this goal with the VIP Card Campaign.

We hear the ads of major telecommunication corporations repeating the VIP value over and over. Major corporations understand the value of the VIP concept because it works!

The key is to give great value to your customer in return for being your business' VIP Member.

VIP Cards are generally awarded to your customers as an incentive for the value they contribute to your business. Some of the most popular ways our business owners used the VIP Card Campaign are as follows:


Method 1:
High Roller Incentives

You may choose to give a VIP Card to your 'high rollers'. These are the people that bring your business the most financial benefit. In the 80/20 rule terms, they are the 20% who bring 80% of your business' profit.

These customers are proven to be a worthy investment, therefore they deserve the according treatment.

Some VIP Card Incentives Include:

  • 5% OFF every product and service they use in your place of business.
  • Free Product or Service with a purchase over a specific denomination. E.g. $1000.00 + spent = a free facial.
  • Free sample on every new product line.

The possibilities are endless!

How do you decide on the correct incentive?

The correct incentive is the incentive that you are willing to give your top customer to keep coming back.

Method 2:
Loyalty Incentives

You may choose to give a VIP Card to your most loyal customers. As a rule of thumb, your loyal customers are generally your 'high rollers' as well. Reward these people for coming back to your place of business over and over.

By rewarding customer loyalty, you will breed more customer loyalty in your business.

Method 3:
Referral Incentives

You may choose to give your VIP Card to customers that drive the most referrals to your business.

Some of our business owners love to use the Existing Customer Campaign in conjunction with the VIP Card Campaign. Please refer to Existing Customer Campaign for more information.

This method allows your star customers to be appreciated for bringing you new business.

You can give them any Dollar or Point amount for bringing your business new customers.

For example:

  • $10.00 for every referral
  • 1000 points for every referral
  • 5% OFF for the next product or service for every referral

From our experience, rewarding referring customers' behaviour, will exponentially magnify your referral business.

Campaign Benefits:

  1. Increases the value of your customer by giving them incentive to spend more with your business
  2. Establishes loyalty with your most valuable customers
  3. Exponentially grows your referral business

Contact or call us today 1-877-482-4678

Major corporations charge annual fees to their customers to be a part of their exclusive clubs. We are sure you can think of a few examples of such businesses.

The best part is that it works! So why not have it work for you?

Exclusivity is one of the most powerful emotional impulses used in the world of marketing. If you feel your business has a unique value to offer your customers, you are more than qualified to take advantage of this campaign.

You may have a unique product or service that no one else offers. You may have unique pricing. You may even have a unique business experience. All these factors can make you an exclusive place of business.

Get your free business consultation today to make sure this campaign will fit your business goals.

Campaign Benefits:

  1. Business Member Exclusivity
  2. Upfront revenue with the ability to collect incremental (monthly, annual, etc) dues for the exclusive membership privileges

Contact or call us today 1-877-482-4678

Think of this method is a mini Product or Service stock your customer can purchase from your business.

For example:
Your customer purchase an Investment Card from your business for $100.00. They now own $100.00 worth of products and services that your business has to offer.

What if your client had the ability to increase their Gift Card value month-to-month simply by holding on the Investment Card like they would to a stock?

Let's say you decide that the Investment Card will grow in value by 5% every month. That's $5.00 more in product and service value per month. This means that your client would be able to benefit from extra $15.00 by the end of the first quarter. That kind of Return On Investment is surely larger than any banks would give them!

Most business owners advertise this option both in their physical place of business and on-line for maximum results.

Using this method our business owners were able to fund new Research and Development projects, purchase New Equipment, Pay Off Business Loans, and much more.

Step 1:
Decide What Dollar Amount You Want to Sell Your Investment Cards for

This step is very flexible, and can be adjusted according to your desire with the user-friendly software.

We suggest having a minimum amount policy. For example, Investment Cards available for a minimum of $25.00.

Step 2:
Decide what Return on Investment % You Want to Give Your Customer

As a rule of thumb, the return on investment is determined by the total dollar incentive you would be willing to give your customer to use your products or services.

For example, you may decide that you are comfortable with giving your customer a $15.00 Gift Card incentive (15%) on their $100.00 Investment Card.

Step 3:
Decide the Maturity Rate of Your Investment Card

After determining the Return on Investment you are comfortable with, break it down into a reasonable time period that you would be comfortable with.

For example, you decided to give a $15.00 Gift Card Incentive (15%) on a $100.00 Investment Card. Now you can choose how long the client needs to hold on to their investment card to reach its maturity.

You may decide that the appropriate maturity rate for the total incentive amount is 3 months. This means every month the Investment Card will go up in value by $5.00 (5%). This can easily be programmed on your user-friendly software.

Step 4:
Encourage Redemption on Maturity

Contrary to the intuition, encouraging your Investment Card customers to redeem their earnings upon maturity is one of the most effective methods to generate Viral Referrals and the Ultimate Customer Loyalty.

Step 5:
Determine the Restrictions and Limitations

Your business is unique, therefore the guidelines for the Investment Card Campaign will be unique to your business. We strongly suggest having a legal contract between your business and the investor for the outline of the specific terms and conditions including Restrictions and Limitations.

The following are some examples used by our business clients based on their specific contracts.

Example 1: Cash Return

In a nut shell, the business may choose to raise capital and pay the investor back with dividends after the maturity date.

If the customer invested $100.00 and received a 10% return after a 3-months maturity date, they would receive $110.00 in cash.

Example 2: Cash and Product/Service Return

In this example, the business can reward the customer with the return on the initial investment and the dividend in terms of products or services.

If the customer invested $100.00 and received a 10% return after a 3-months maturity date, they would receive $100.00 in cash (initial investment) and $10.00 in products or services as the dividend.

Example 3: Product/Service Return

In this example, the business can reward the customer with the initial value of investment for the products or services and the added value of the dividends in products or services.

If the customer invested $100.00 and received a 10% return after a 3-months maturity date, they would receive a total value of $110.00 in products or services.

How can I ever manage all this information?

The InfoEmpire Software that comes standard with the purchase of any package can be adjusted to manage this for you!

The user-friendly interface will allow you to keep tabs on your investors account balances, automate their returns on investments, and notify you of the maturity dates from the comfort of your computer or mobile device.

Campaign Benefits:

  1. Ability to raise immediate business capital in your place of business and on your business' website.
  2. Ability to provide your customer with an exceptional Investment value with no monthly management fees.
  3. Ease of investor account management and customizable system automation based on your business needs.

Contact or call us today 1-877-482-4678